Latest news from VICSES

Media representatives can contact the VICSES Media Line on 1300 783 933 between the hours of 6am and 10pm, seven days a week.

During large-scale emergencies, the VICSES Media Line will be available 24 hours. You can also contact the VICSES media team via email at

To showcase the Victoria State Emergency Service, a number of events and campaigns are shared across the year. To view all our latest campaigns, visit our campaigns page

Latest News

“Before VICSES I was afraid of heights but after the last two years, I’ve got used to it.”
"Catching up with past members and celebrating this purpose-built facility, was perhaps the best part of the day."
"Volunteers deserve contemporary facilities and equipment to do their jobs safely and effectively.”
"It’s important to understand that waterways may be different to what you experienced in previous years.”
“It’s like a dance, because you’re using your hands to say what you want to say."
"It’s always a nice surprise when someone says they want to give you a hundred thousand bucks!”
"Leo’s courage and life of service represent the best of Victoria, and of our people at VICSES."
"This year, our annual Your Family, Our Family campaign has never meant more."
“Never enter floodwater. It takes only 15cm of floodwater for a small car to lose traction”.
An SES four-wheel drive sits stationary on a flooded road, as three volunteers have a briefing in the background