Latest news from VICSES

Media representatives can contact the VICSES Media Line on 1300 783 933 between the hours of 6am and 10pm, seven days a week.

During large-scale emergencies, the VICSES Media Line will be available 24 hours. You can also contact the VICSES media team via email at

To showcase the Victoria State Emergency Service, a number of events and campaigns are shared across the year. To view all our latest campaigns, visit our campaigns page

Latest News

From townships along the Murray to the north and throughout the Mallee: our volunteers are ready.
"The event is also for families and loved ones who enable our volunteers and staff to respond."
"The day focuses on the hands on, practical side of rescue operations."
"Don't fight your fatigue, you won't win."
We are currently seeking a motivated and dedicated volunteer to join our team as the VICSES Wedderburn Unit Controller.
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Reach out to your neighbours on Sunday!
"Early preparation is the best defense against storm damage."
“It was an emotional journey."
"I’m a mum, an employee, and - in a different context - I can pull someone out of a car.”