Bacchus Marsh Unit volunteers receive esteemed Commendation of Service Award – Pentland Hills Bus Crash

Bacchus Marsh Unit volunteers receive esteemed Commendation of Service Award – Pentland Hills Bus Crash

18/04/2024, 3:21 PM

Last year in 2023, our Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) volunteers saw our busiest year on record for response in Road Crash Rescue (RCR) incidents with over 1,500 RCR requests recorded.

VICSES is the largest provider of RCR services in Victoria.

Our volunteers are highly trained and professional, and are all too often confronted by horrific collision scenes, the tragic loss of life and significant injuries on our roads.

Our VICSES Baccus Marsh Unit receives their fair share of RCRs with unit members responding at all times of the day and night to rescue people from often horrific collisions.

The Unit is held in high regard when it comes to skills and innovation – demonstrated constantly through incidents attended, as well as when representing VICSES through the Australasian Road Rescue Challenges (ARRO) and the World Rescue Challenge (WRC).

Earlier this weekChief Officer Operations, Tim Wiebusch, recognised and presented unit members withVICSES’ highest award – the Group Commendation of Service to 11 Bacchus Marsh members for an incident that was not ‘just another Road Crash Rescue’ – the Pentland Hills Bus Crash of 21 September 2022.


During the early hours of Wednesday 21 September 2022, the unit received a priority 1 request for assistance to an initial report of a bus that had flipped upside down after a B-Double truck had collided with the rear of the bus on the Western Freeway near Condons Lane.

In a police statement soon after the event, Inspector Schranz stated “The bus has slowed down as per the signs indicating the reduced speed, then the truck has come around the corner and headed down towards the hill. It’s seen the speed reduction and the banked-up traffic, and collided with the bus, forcing the bus off the left-hand side of the freeway, down the cliff. The bus has gone off the side on an angle and rested on its side…I would have assumed someone would have passed away out of this entire tragedy, so they’re all very fortunate people involved”.

At 0326hrs the first Bacchus Marsh vehicle responded and requested additional rescue be dispatched, being Ballan Country Fire Authority (CFA) Rescue.

The Pentland Hills Bus Crash presented an additional layer of difficulty as it occurred over an embankment and down an incline. To access the scene, members had to navigate challenging terrain while carrying heavy rescue equipment from their appliances.

Their commitment extended to actively assisting in transporting injured children and teachers to waiting ambulances, some of which were stationed at a considerable distance due to the congestion caused by multiple responding vehicles. The sheer volume of casualties rendered this operation physically demanding, placing enduring strain on responding members.

Crews extricated the truck driver and multiple children who were either trapped in the bus and supported others back to the freeway to ambulances, including the bus drivers and remainder of the group of 27 students and 4 adults as the ‘walking wounded’.

Two students with upper body injuries were flown to the Royal Children’s Hospital with many others treated by paramedic before being transported by road to the Alfred, Royal Melbourne, Sunshine, Western and Ballarat Base hospitals.

The Bacchus Marsh crews closely collaborated with neighbouring rescue providers, such as Melton Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) and Ballan CFA during the Pentland Hills incident. The teams' dedication to working harmoniously with other emergency services showcased their commitment to achieving successful outcomes for all involved.

The majority of casualties requiring rescue were children, some with significant injuries and trauma. The children rescued in were from a local community school, Loreto College, amplifying the impact of these incidents across the entire community.

VICSES Commendation of Service is the organisation’s highest award - based on it being about exceptional response. VICSES could not be prouder of the exceptional response provided by the 11 Bacchus Marsh members which resulted in a highly valuable commitment the community and embodies the core values of VICSES, especially our VICSES Value of being Focussed and Adaptable.

The incident confronting our members was physically, mentally and/or emotionally demanding for first responders. Complicating matters further, the scenes were crowded with a multitude of emergency services, parents, teachers and families, adding further complexity to the rescue.

The complexity of the scene, the coordination across a large number of multi agency resources and their collective efforts in rescuing and providing care throughout this mass casualty incident was above and beyond the RCRs that our Units sadly attend on a regular basis. The Commendation of Service reflects their unwavering commitment to public safety and the application of specialist skills to the highest standards.